It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

This weekend we got our Christmas tree!

Buying our Christmas Tree by ingrid.racine

My family has always gone to HomeDepot for our trees so that’s where Jimmy & I went this weekend. So did the majority of the Arlington/Falls Church area because we had the longest line I’ve ever seen. Totally worth it though.

After surviving the line, we [Jimmy] tied the tree to my car ourselves and drove on home #independent.

Then it was time to start decorating.


Kai wasn’t sure if he liked this tree. Or the decorating. Or us moving his bed. He doesn’t like change. We’re working on it.

Putting the first ornament up. Ignore the sweet wrist brace, I took a little tumble on an outdoor parking garage ramp at work. It was slippery and raining and I stumbled away with a sprained wrist and some bruises.

If Kai was happy earlier, he’s definitely not happy now.
He loves me really. He just isn’t a fan of that reindeer costume. Unfortunately I am a huge fan of it and so he wears it every year 🙂

Our Christmas mantle.

And our post-decorating family selfie. At this point Kai is tired. He spent the next 30 minutes sleeping on the couch.
Racine family Christmas

Later that night we went to my work Holiday party. Where I took zero pictures but we had a blast.

Sunday brought on my Mom’s birthday and snow/ice. We ventured out for dinner with my parents, Kurt & Kate at Matchbox and then champagne and cake at our house.

I haven’t found the motivation to put up lights outside yet… I put a wreath on our door so that counts right?

Starting New Years Resolutions Early

As cliche as it is, in 2014 I am going to get healthier. In fact, I’ve already started.

I started the Couch to 5K program (it’s a free app for your smartphone). Like the name says, it takes you from the couch to running a 5K over the course of 9 weeks by alternating between walking and jogging 3 times a week for about 30 minutes a workout until you build up to running a 5K. This very nice calm sounding woman tells you when to run and when to walk. You can play your music while you workout and there are multiple timers so you can countdown your workout. I love it. I’ve never been a runner – mainly because I keep foolishly thinking I am a runner so I try to go out and run 3 miles without any practice or warmup and end up not being able to walk the next day, so this is an amazing program to keep me working harder but at a realistic pace.

We’ve also started eating healthier. I’ve started preparing some fish for dinners. Last night was an epic fail but the idea of a chicken and vegetable stir-fry will definitely be in our rotation again (once I have the right ingredients and actually thoroughly cook it). I used to think a meal wasn’t complete without carbs but I’m starting to be ok without the rice or bread or pasta added – occasionally – I’m not going too extreme.

I’m also in love with vitaminwater zero now that it’s sweetened with truvia. Yum.

Jimmy & I also love doing a BodyPump class at Gold’s, sometimes with Kurt & Kate. Although this has taken a decrease in frequency since I started coaching. However, in 2014, we will be getting back on a group workout schedule to keep it fun and motivating. And I’ll post updates here to keep myself accountable 🙂

Next up in our lives: birthdays (my Mom’s this weekend, then Jimmy’s), basketball season for cheerleading, Christmas, our Disneyland vacation, and New Years Eve. Lots to look forward to in our house.